After much work and community support, the St. Johns Regional Chamber of Commerce is ready to welcome members to the chamber.
The first focus of the SJR Chamber of Commerce is to bring members together regularly. Members will have access to Monthly Networking Events held on the second TUESDAY of every month. Member-to-member networking is a great way to build relationships with other regional businesses.
Monthly Member Networking Events:
Second Tuesday of Every Month at 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Dates for coming Networking Events; held at City Hall (Location may change)
Also, through the power of technology, the SJR Chamber of Commerce will provide:
Members Directory
Online Event Calendar with RSVP Capability
Monthly Electronic Newsletter
Facebook Page for Promotions
Online Video Courses - in development
These are the start of the tools we hope to offer our members. As we develop the operational capacity, we will add new and robust services to help our members better.
The path toward business success begins by building a support team to help achieve your professional goals. The SJR Chamber wishes to be a valuable teammate and continually strives to provide education, advertising, and promotion for member growth opportunities.
Your SJR Chamber is committed to helping members find ways to strengthen their community ties. As we unite to build a stronger economic future, we set the stage for our community to THRIVE!